{"version":3,"file":"../clndr.js","sources":["clndr.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * ~ CLNDR v1.4.7 ~\n * ==============================================\n * https://github.com/kylestetz/CLNDR\n * ==============================================\n * Created by kyle stetz (github.com/kylestetz)\n * & available under the MIT license\n * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n * ==============================================\n *\n * This is the fully-commented development version of CLNDR.\n * For the production version, check out clndr.min.js\n * at https://github.com/kylestetz/CLNDR\n *\n * This work is based on the\n * jQuery lightweight plugin boilerplate\n * Original author: @ajpiano\n * Further changes, comments: @addyosmani\n * Licensed under the MIT license\n */\n(function (factory) {\n // Multiple loading methods are supported depending on\n // what is available globally. While moment is loaded\n // here, the instance can be passed in at config time.\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.\n define(['jquery', 'moment'], factory);\n }\n else if (typeof exports === 'object') {\n // Node/CommonJS\n factory(require('jquery'), require('moment'));\n }\n else {\n // Browser globals\n factory(jQuery, moment);\n }\n}(function ($, moment) {\n // Namespace\n var pluginName = 'clndr';\n\n // This is the default calendar template. This can be overridden.\n var clndrTemplate =\n \"
<%= daysOfTheWeek[i] %> | \" +\n \"<% } %>\" +\n \"
\" +\n \" <%= days[d].day %> \" +\n \" | \" +\n \"<% } %>\" +\n \"