Research Group
Julia Lab

The foundation of our group is the Julia programming language. Currently, our activities center around data science applications, numerical linear algebra, parallel computing, and type theory. We specialize in collaborating with other groups to solve messy real-world computational problems. We are working on a myriad of projects. Bioinformatics: We’re developing specialized algorithms for principal component analysis and statistical fitting that will enable genomics researchers to analyze data at the same rapid pace that it is produced. Financial Fraud Detection: We’re contributing to the battle against financial fraud by designing out-of-core analytics for anomaly detection. Medical Data Analytics: We’re working on tools for rapidly identifying potential indicators of irregularities in medical data by equipping doctors and healthcare providers with the analytics they need to make informed medical decisions.
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Contact us
If you would like to contact us about our work, please refer to our members below and reach out to one of the group leads directly.
Last updated Jan 28 '25