Eyebrowse: Social and Public Web Browsing

While the web contains many social websites, people are generally left in the dark about the activities of other people traversing the web as a whole. We explore the potential benefits and privacy considerations around generating a real-time, publicly accessible stream of web activity where users can publish chosen parts of their web browsing data. Taking inspiration from social media systems, we design benefits that can be unlocked by such sharing and that may incentivize users to publish aspects of their browsing.
Haystack Group Human-Computer InteractionCommunities
Theory of Computation Community of ResearchRelated Links
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Last updated Apr 28 '20
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Haystack Group Human-Computer InteractionCommunities
Theory of Computation Community of ResearchRelated Links
Zhang, Amy X. and Blum, Joshua and Karger, David
Opportunities and Challenges Around a Tool for Social and Public Web Activity Tracking