This week it was announced that a team led by CSAIL principal investigator and MIT professor Piotr Indyk will receive funding to develop a new “Institute for Foundations of Data Science” at MIT.
The project is part of the National Science Foundation’s new $17.7 million effort towards “Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science” (TRIPODS). Co-principal investigators include CSAIL’s Jonathan Kelner and Ronitt Rubinfeld, as well as Philippe Rigollet and Devavrat Shah of the MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society.
According to Indyk, the aim of the project is “to stimulate research and educational interactions between mathematics, statistics and theoretical computer science, both within MIT and in the research community at large.”
Among the project’s themes include statistical and computational tradeoffs, sub-linear algorithms and distribution testing, learning with complex structures, graphical models and exchangeability, and non-convex optimization.
"Data is accelerating the pace of scientific discovery and innovation," said Jim Kurose, NSF assistant director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). "These new TRIPODS projects will help build the theoretical foundations of data science that will enable continued data-driven discovery and breakthroughs across all fields of science and engineering."